Convenient entry of date and time values as well as an expanded list view with symbols and text.
Key features

Datetime Object:
- Convenient entry of date values by selecting them in a fold-out calendar.
- Date and time values can be set with spin boxes.
- Formatting the displayed date and time values using format strings.
Listview Object:
- 5 different views: list, large icons, small icons, tiles and details.
- Display additional information about a list item in tile view and multi-column detail view.
Datetime and Listview are available for Microsoft Windows and implemented as User Supplied Widgets.
Datetime – Convenient entry of date and time values

The Datetime object is a special interaction object for entering date and time values and displaying them in a formatted manner. One advantage of the object is that it prevents the entry of invalid values. The object supports two styles:
- Poptext: On the right edge of the input and display field there is an arrow that opens a calendar. You can navigate in this calendar using the keyboard and mouse and select a date. This makes entering dates very convenient, as information such as the day of the week, today's date or calendar week is visible during the selection.
- Spinbox: In this style, two arrows are displayed on the right edge to increase and decrease the value. The change refers to the currently selected segment (month, day, hour, etc.) in the input field.
The object-specific attributes of the Datetime object can be used, for example, to format the display, define upper and lower limits for the values, and configure various features of the calendar display. As for User Supplied Widgets is usual, the datetime object has the well-known standard, geometry and layout attributes, which are managed by the ISA Dialog Manager.
Listview – Various list views with icons and text
With the Listview object, a list object is now available under Microsoft Windows that offers different views, comparable to those of Windows Explorer. The object supports the display of icons that can be used to make the list display clearer and more intuitive. With the .style the following display types can be set for the attribute of the object:
- list: List with small icons, where the list items are first arranged one below the other and then next to each other. The icon is displayed to the left of the text of the list item.
- smallicon: List with small icons, where the list entries are arranged first from left to right and then from top to bottom. Here too, the icon is displayed to the left of the text.
- icon: List with large icons and arrangement of list items first side by side and then one below the other. In this view, the icon is displayed above the text of the list item.
- tile: Display of the list elements as tiles with a large symbol on the left and labels and, if necessary, additional information on the right. The list elements are arranged one below the other.
- detail: List with small symbols in which the list entries are arranged one below the other. A small symbol can be displayed to the left of the text and detailed information can be displayed for each list element in several columns. The display therefore resembles a table.
The object-specific attributes of the Listview object make it possible, for example, to define the height and width of the large and small icons as well as to specify column widths and labels in the detailed view. This User Supplied Widget also has the usual standard, geometry and layout attributes managed by the ISA Dialog Manager.