
Throughout our entire business activities, these values have emerged that we strive for and that shape our actions. You can measure us and our performance by them.


Even in the technical environment in which we operate, people are always the focus.

We enjoy our work

Despite all due seriousness, our employees should enjoy working for our company, for our customers and with our partners. We want our customers and partners to enjoy working with us and our employees. We are convinced that this is the only way long-term excellent performance is possible.

Creating value

We want to provide services that are valuable for our customers and partners. Our products should be of consistent value. Our products and services should always be worth their price.


We are open to the wishes of our customers and partners. We recognize their achievements as well as those of our competitors without envy. We approach new things without reservation and are always ready to learn.


We do our best to keep agreements. We don't promise more than we can deliver.


We only expect what we are willing to give. We design every collaboration with the mindset that it will not be the last.


We think as ambitiously as possible and act as pragmatically as necessary. When we pay attention to a detail, we keep the whole in mind.


We know what we can do, but we also know the limits of our competence. We make no secret of what we don't know and can't do. We are not afraid to ask questions and listen carefully. We own up to mistakes if we fail to avoid them.
